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Changer mon mark V 30°

Samedi 07 Juin 2008 20:23


j'adore les sensations que j'ai avec le yasaka mark V 30° collé a la rapide !

cependant j'aimerai trouver un revetement qui me donnerai a peu pres les meme sensation mais sans colle rapide !


de preference une plaque de chez yasaka

Dimanche 08 Juin 2008 09:44

l'alternative yasaka serait le nouveau yasaka pryde.

Dimanche 08 Juin 2008 10:01

Ok mais comme il n'y a pas encore de test de ce revetement pouvez vous me donné d'autre plaque qui ce rapprocherait du mark V 30° dans toutes les autres marques ?


Dimanche 08 Juin 2008 10:20

Nimbus sound

Dimanche 08 Juin 2008 11:25

nimbus sound resemble pas mal mais il s'use tres tres vite et cela te coutera cher

Dimanche 08 Juin 2008 12:10

JO Coppa Silver pourrait te convenir. Très tendre, assez rapide, trajectoires basses comme le Mark V 30°. Surtout ne t'attends pas à un copier/coller d'un revet tendre gommé à la rapide, ça n'existe pas ! Ca ressemble, mais c'est autre chose. Ce qu'il faut te dire, c'est que même si les sensations sont différentes, tout ce que tu pouvais faire avec ton mark V 30° collé, tu pourras également le faire avec le Silver. Bon courage !

Dimanche 08 Juin 2008 12:51

yasaka pride:

The player in the world cuts “this feel” on the brain reverse side
The times when the speed glue is prohibited are entered, the player thinks of that feature speed of the speed glue use time is maintained desperately.Now one desire was born here.The technology “POWER TENSION” whose [yasaka] is new was loaded “PRYDE”.
This technology with the present traditional rubber and the other tension rubber makes those actualize which it cannot form.You power the speed which overflows and bodily sensation can do the splendid sound, probably is.Very quickly the speed glue is needless in you.“PRYDE” of [yasaka] brings the preponderant power “of POWER TENSION” to you, probably will be.
The reason where the power tension of PRYDE is enormous
1. Power trajectory
The trajectory “of PRYDE” is unique.Although the instant which bats, the sphere leaving flying quickly rectilinear, it sinks at once with opponent side of the court, enters into the ended line depths.The straight line passing, there are no either times when it fails overly, there are no either times when it enters shallow with trajectory of the mountain appearance.The powerful track which just is compatible speed and spin is drawn.
2. You are convinced with batted ball sound
Batted ball sound is very important for the player.Because that becomes the big standard whether or not it hit is securely of.With the player can verify his own shock instantaneously is struck “PRYDE” first with sound.
3. The batted ball feeling which feels the glue effect
Of, there is a batted ball feeling like whether it painted quite without painting the speed glue.Securely while eating, it is the batted ball feeling like the spring which it drives out.
4. Speed reaction
Was loaded onto “PRYDE” largest feature of “power tension” reaction of the rubber (the reaction) is speed.Power of the player is transmitted to the rubber instantaneously, that rebounds directly in the fingertip of the player.Delicate technology such as bench top was easy to do because of that, the control efficiency of batted ball improved.
5. Starting for control efficiency rise
If batted ball becomes simply the mountain appearance, control becomes good.But, then the person who calculates power from the ball is not satisfied.The springing out of the ball becoming quick, it becomes easy to convey from feeling of the player to the rubber depending upon the speed of the reaction of the rubber, control improves.Although flying rectilinear, in the ball because revolution catches securely, with the Magnus effect the ball draws the arc securely midway.
6. Victory in batting duel
If “PRYDE” with rallying it is not defeated.It is not [hatsutari].At the spring effect of the rubber and speed of the reaction, speed and spin join in strong batted ball.The fact that it is problem is, when becoming opposition “of the PRYDE” fellow.

Dimanche 08 Juin 2008 13:01

moi j'ai remplacé mon Mark V 30° collé par l'EGP et j'en suis plutot content au niveau sensations - mais je n'ai pas ton niveau Émoticône
Message modifié 1 fois, dernière modification Dimanche 08 Juin 2008 13:02 par ForestGump78
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